The Global Grant Community (GGC) reduces the cost and time taken to connect major state and philanthropic funders with the world’s most trusted grant receivers, that have a proven track record of managing funding effectively, ethically and honestly.
The GGC is a platform of the African Academy of Sciences (AAS). The platform consists of a: -
These three components are collectively called the Global Grant Community (GGC).
Different expectations from funders for what constitutes good financial grant practice, have created mixed levels of trust in grant management capabilities across the global funding supply chain.
This means both funders and the partners they help, spend huge amounts of time and money on multiple due diligence assessments, diverting funds that could be changing lives for the better.
The Global Grant Community changes the broken model by reducing the cost and time required for funders to find trustworthy partners, by assessing a grant receiver’s capabilities using the world’s first international Standard (ARS 1651) for Good Financial Grant Practice (GFGP).
For the first time ever, there is a common global standard for good grant management practice that grant receivers must meet before funders entrust them with their financial grants, bringing rigour and reassurance to even the highest risk funding environments.
As well as building trust with funders, a global standard provides grant receivers with a clear pathway to improve their grant management processes, procedures and policies, making them more attractive to funders.
“Wellcome is endorsing the Good Financial Grant Practice (GFGP) standard as a tool to catalyse transformative change in the financial management of grants, strengthening funder confidence and increasing transparency. By making costs for pre-certification assessments and certification to GFGP an allowable expense on DELTAS awards, institutions will be able to use GFGP as a tool to strengthen financial governance and management. Researchers will be able to focus on science, confident that their institutions have competence to manage grants consistent with grant conditions.”
“We have found GFGP an incredibly powerful tool for both carrying out due diligence assessments and for building financial & operational capacity across our global health partners. GFGP’s clever design and tiered approach effectively addresses the key risks that all types of grantors and grantees face in managing grant funding. GFGP has helped our partners from across Africa, Asia and Latin America to identify weaknesses in their financial & operational capacity and address them. This has made our partners more attractive to funders and provided confidence that their grant management structures are both robust and at an internationally recognised standard.”
"APHRC has been part of the GFGP journey since the beginning. We appreciate the value of GFGP for carrying out in-depth due diligence and are currently using it in three projects including the DELTAS. We have not only used the GFGP for due diligence but also as a tool to identify capacity gaps in our program following which we have come up with capacity strengthening programs. As an organization, our aim is to be certified at the Platinum level. This has necessitated the development of some policies which we did not have before. "
“We have recently taken part in the process of acquiring GFGP certification. We found this to be a crucial tool in assessing and addressing key areas of strengths and weaknesses in the management of grant funding at both our research institute as well as those of our collaborating institutes. This remarkable due diligence assessment tool is imperative and alleviates the pressure and time taken of having lengthy legal agreements with unnecessary detailed requirements and restrictions on managing grant funding. We are also able to appreciate the advantages of having any future collaborating institutes being accredited with GFGP certification to ensure that they are competent in their procedures of grant management”
Along the way, the GFGP Pre-certification assessment has allowed MCRI and the Finance/Accounts department in particular, to better understand what is important to our donors and develop meaningful measurements. GGC guidelines have pushed MCRI to reflect on our performance and strive to make each day better than yesterday which is the essence of continuous improvement into this exciting journey.
The Human Resources Department has learned a more diverse approach to human resource management and engagement of frontline staff. Tools such as Workplace Organizational management have greatly enhanced our efforts to identify and remove wasteful processes and procedures and promote more efficient systems and resources.
With our transformation from tier to tier, GGC has been an invaluable partner. MCRI functional teams have learned how to make simple changes for big improvements. In fact, as part of our never-ending improvement culture, we’ve seen that the most inexpensive change often yields the greatest improvement.
We will certainly follow the GFGP recommendations and we are already anxious to move to the next tier, to see the results of improved Organizational processes achieved."
We launched the Good Financial Grant Practice in 2018 as a global standard to promote transparency and strengthen the governance of grant funding worldwide.
GFGP helps us identify critical gaps in our operations and enables us to realign ourselves to funder requirements as well as improve our operations. This has indeed made us more trustworthy and attractive within the grant community